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2016 National Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIP Oral Health Symposium
Event Dates: June 12th, 13th, and 14th, 2016
Opening Reception: June12th, 2016 6:00 - 7:30 PM Sponsored by AVESIS
East Lawn/Patio [In case of rain, Wardman Lobby] Casual Attire
Symposium: June 13th and 14th, 2016
Location: Washington Marriott Wardman Park, 2660 Woodley Road, Washington DC 20008
DAY 1~Monday, June 13th, 2016
7:00 Annual Member Business Breakfast Meeting- MEMBERS ONLY
Sponsored by Elevate Oral Care Room: North [Ballroom]
8:00 Continental Breakfast - Sponsored by MCNA Room: Southwest Foyer
Room: Southwest Ballroom
9:30 Keynote: Using Data to Facilitate Research and Guide Medicaid Decision-Making in the Era of Big Data
Bruce A. Dye, DDS, MPH, Dental Epidemiology Officer at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/(NIDCR/NIH), will provide the Keynote Address highlighting the role data plays in advancing Medicaid healthcare policy and programs. Dr. Dye will discuss how data may be used by program administrators and contractors to advance policy and improve the quality of Medicaid programs. In addition, Dr. Dye will provide insight into how Big Data is being used today to support healthcare research. 1.0 CEU
10:15 Session 1: Increasing Access and Utilization with Cost Management
Under federal law, state Medicaid programs must assure adequate access to healthcare services. This requirement continues to be a challenge for administrators, beneficiaries and providers alike. In 2015, CMS released a new access regulation, which calls on states to submit detailed plans on how they can assure access to healthcare in their programs. This session will highlight three speakers who will address the new access regulation from the beneficiary, provider, and administrator perspectives. 1.5 CEU
Cindy Shirtcliff, MSW (Advantage Dental); Rachel King, DDS (St. Joseph's Dental Center, RI); and Elias Kutros, DDS (RI Medicaid Dental Provider)
11:45 Lunch Sponsored by NuSmile*
1:00 Session 2: Advancing Quality and Performance
This session will address how states are advancing their quality improvement efforts. Dr. James Crall, DDS, former Chair of the Dental Quality Alliance, will share his perspective on quality and performance measurement for dental care delivery systems. Dr. Michael Shirtcliff will share his experience in promoting quality and performance among dental providers in Oregon. 1.5 CEUs
Heather Hostetler, JD (CMS); Roger Adams, DMD, MBA (NADP); James Crall, DDS (UCLA); and Mike Shirtcliff, DDS (Advantage Dental)
2:30 Break: Southwest Foyer
2:45 Session 3: Smart Contracting
This session will highlight the do and don’ts of contracting; the mistakes some states have made; and how states, payers, and providers are working closely together to develop contracts that assure quality administration and services for Medicaid beneficiaries. 1.5 CEUs
Ms. Myra Shook, MPH (Virginia Medicaid); Ms. Sabrina Johnson (Iowa Medicaid); Cordelia Clay (Louisiana Medicaid); and Marguerite Laccabue, DDS (Texas Medicaid)
4:30 Adjourn
4:30 - 6:00 Networking Reception Sponsored by Envolve Benefit Options
Room: Southwest Foyer
6:30 Corporate Round Table Dinner (Invitation Only) Sponsored by Bedford Healthcare Solutions {297}
DAY 2~ Tuesday, June 14th, 2016
7:00 Continental Breakfast - All attendees Sponsored by United HealthCare
Room: Southwest Foyer
Room: Southwest Ballroom
8:00 Session 4: Return on Investment to Funding an Adult Dental Benefit
This session will highlight research efforts exploring the potential socio-economic return on investment to funding an adult Medicaid dental benefit. 1.0 CEU
Ms. Martha Dellapenna, RDH, MEd (MSDA); Donald Shepard, PhD; Yara Halasa, DDS, MS (Brandeis University)
8:45 Session 5: Improving Program Integrity
This session will provide an overview of how state Medicaid programs work with other federal and state agencies; contractors; and providers to implement policies and manage program integrity across their programs. 1.5 CEUs
Dennis J. Garvey, JD (TennCare); Sid Whitman, DDS (ADA); and Michael Urbach, DDS (P&R Dental)
10:15 Break: Southwest Foyer
10:30: Session 6: Emerging Models for Administration and Practice
This session will highlight two risk-based preventive modalities for the treatment and management of dental caries for at-risk populations. Dr. Shannon Mills will describe how dental caries risk-assessment tools are being used by dental providers and payers in New England to manage dental disease across the population and lower the overall cost of care. Dr. Jeremy Horst will discuss the emerging science and practice of delivering silver diamine fluoride to arrest dental caries and prevent costly surgical treatments. Dr. Mark Casey, NC Medicaid, and Dr. Lynn Douglas Mouden, CMS Chief Dental Officer will react to both modalities and discuss ideas of how they may be incorporated in Medicaid dental program policy and practice. 1.5 CEUs
Shannon Mills, DDS (Northeast Delta Dental); Jeremy Horst, DDS, PhD (University of California, San Francisco); Mark Casey, DDS, MPH (North Carolina Medicaid); Lynn Douglas Mouden, DDS, MPH (CMS)
12: 00 Lunch Sponsored by P&R Dental Strategies
1:00 Session 7: Policy Breakout -- Group Discussion
This session will provide an opportunity for attendees to break into groups to discuss key issues that are emerging and taking place across the states. Following the breakout sessions, Mary Foley, MSDA's Executive Director will facilitate a full group discussion which will allow each group to comment and make recommendations to state Medicaid program administrators, stakeholders, and other policy makers. 1.5 CEUs
Mary E. Foley, MPH (MSDA)
2:30: Closing Keynote: Oral Health Across the Lifespan: A National Campaign to Support the Oral Health of All Americans
Ron Pollack, Founding Executive Director of FamiliesUSA will close our symposium by highlighting progress that is being made on the national front to support oral healthcare across the lifespan. He will share specific highlights about the mounting national campaign to advance oral health for Medicare beneficiaries. 1.0 CEUs
Ron Pollack, JD (Families USA)
3:30 Adjourn