Event Dates: June 4th, 5th, & 6th, 2017
Welcome Reception: Sunday, June 4th, 2017 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Sponsored by: United Healthcare
2017 Symposium: June 5th-6th, 2017
DAY 1~Monday, June 5th, 2017
7:00 MSDA Annual Member Business Breakfast Meeting
Sponsored by: DentaQuest
8:00 Continental Breakfast for Symposium Attendees
Sponsored by: P & R Dental
2017 Symposium Theme: Improving Quality through Data Mining and Analytics
9:30 Keynote Address: Mary Otto
Sponsored by: Delta Dental of Arkansas
10:15 Session 1: Using Data to Improve Dental Programs
1.5 CEU
Speaker: Chester Douglass, DMD, MPH (Harvard)
11:15 Session 2: Overview of Dental Delivery System
Databases 1.5 CEU
Speakers: Martha Dellapenna (MSDA); Megan Thomas,
MPP (Formerly CMS); and Dave Preble, DDS (ADA)
12:30 Lunch Sponsored by: Avesis
1:30 Session 3: Analyzing and Interpreting Data
1.0 CEU
Speakers: Natalia Chalmers, DDS (DQI);
Sabrina Johnson (IA Medicaid)
2:45 Break Sponsored by: Envolve Dental
3:00 Session 4: Developing and Implementing
Performance Measures 1.0 CEU
Speaker: Jill Herndon, PhD
4:00 Session 5: Cost Offsets to Funding a Medicaid Adult
Dental Benefit 0.5 CEU
Speaker: Mary E. Foley, MPH, (MSDA); Yara Halasa,
DDS and Cynthia Tschampi PhD (Brandeis University)
5:00 Networking Reception Sponsored by: PreViser
6:30 MSDA Corporate Round Table Dinner-
Sponsored by: Bedford Healthcare Solutions
DAY 2~Tuesday, June 6th, 2017
7:00 Continental Breakfast for Symposium Attendees
Sponsored by: MCNA Dental Plans
8:00 Day 2 Opening Plenary 6: Program Integrity 2 CEUs
Speakers: Tyrette Hamilton (P&R Dental Strategies);
Michael Exler, DDS (Avesis); Linda Altenhoff, DDS
(MCNA); Sid Whitman, DDS (MSDA); Allen
Finkelstein, DDS (Bedford Healthcare Solutions)
Sponsored by: Elevate Oral Health
9:45 Break Sponsored by: Delta Dental of California
10:00 Session 7: Policy Discussion 2 CEUs
Medicaid in 2017: How would block grants affect
my state?
Speakers: Maureen Hensley Quinn, MPA; Randall
Williams, MD
Medicare in 2017: What would a dental benefit
look like?
Speakers: Judith Jones, DDS; Fred Sharpe, DDS, JD
CHIPRA 2017 and Beyond: Program Concerns &
Funding Appropriation
Speakers: Viki Brant, MPA (AL CHIP); Douglas Nelson (AR)
Sponsored by: Liberty Dental
12:00 Lunch Sponsored by: Delta Dental of South Dakota
Liuncheon Presentations: NV Pneumonia; Emergency Department
1:00 Session 8: New Payment Models for Dentistry: Pay for
Performance; Shared Savings; Global Payments; and
Value Based Concepts: What states need and are interested in.
2 CEUs
Industry Panelists: Carl Loeb; Howard Bailit, DMD, PhD
Medicaid Panelists: Paul Westerberg, DDS (PA);
John Dane, DDS (MO); Myra Shook (VA);
Ken Rich, DDS (KY)
3:00 Adjourn
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Mfoley@medicaiddental.org.