2015 National Medicaid and CHIP Oral Health Symposium
Patient Centered Integrated Healthcare: Opportunities for Medicaid and CHIP Programs, Managed care Organizations and Providers
- Keynote Address: Patrick Conway, MD
- Session 1: Opportunities for EPSDT Programs
- Session 2: Opportunities for Special Populations
- Session 3: Opportunities for Non-Disabled Adults
- Session 4: Opportunities for the Dual-Eligibles
- Session 5: Standardized Coding:Treatment Verses Diagnostic Codes Information Systems and the EHR
- Session 6: Timothy Shriver, PhD Fully Alive VIDEO
- Session 7: Evolving Interprofessional Education
- Session 8: The Provider Perspective
- Session 9: The Payer Perspective
- Session 10: A National Initiative - Bruce Donoff, DMD, MD ?
Contracting with State Medicaid Dental Programs:
Improving Program Quality and Value
- Opening Plenary: Introduction to State Contracting - James A. Gillcrist, DDS, Tennessee Health Care Financing and Administration; Bob Isman, DDS, Dental Program Consultant, California Department of Health Care Services; David Fischer, Contract Administrator, Oregon Medicaid
- Session 1: General Obligations of the State - Kim Elliott, PhD, CPHQ, Administrator, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System; David Weeks, JD, Attorney, TennCare Office of General Counsel
- Session 2: Scope of Services Related to Providers - David Weeks, JD, Attorney, TennCare Office of General Counsel; Robyn Olson, PhD, Management Consultant, Boston Benefit Partners; Tom Underwood, DDS, General Dentist, Tennessee Medicaid Advisory Committee; R. Mike Shirtcliff, DMD, President & CEO, Advantage Dental
- Session 3: Scope of Services Related to Beneficiaries - Milton Bernard, DDS, Quality Plan Administrators (HSCSN Program); David Weeks, JD, Attorney, TennCare Office of General Counsel; Cheryl Harding, Vice President and COO, Delta Dental of Iowa (Dental Wellness Plan); Charles Czerepak, DDS, Pediatric Provider
- Session 4: Program Administration and Management - Nancy Gurzick, RDH, MA, Dental Policy Specialist, Michigan Department of Community Health; Nance Orsbon, Vice President of Professional Services, Delta Dental of South Dakota; Jerry Caudill, DMD, Kentucky State Dental Director, Avesis; David Weeks, JD, Attorney, TennCare Office of General Counsel
- Session 5: Program Integrity - David Weeks, JD, Attorney, TennCare Office of General Counsel
- Session 6: Reporting Requirements; Lessons Learned, Dos and Don'ts - R. Mike Shirtcliff, DMD, President & CEO, Advantage Dental; Robert Thielen, DDS, MBA, Aetna Medicaid; David Fischer, Contract Administrator, Oregon Medicaid; David Weeks, JD, Attorney, TennCare Office of General Counsel
2013 National Medicaid and CHIP Oral Health Symposium
Optimizing Program Impact through Innovation and Leadership:
- Session 1: Optimizing Impact for Medicaid-CHIP Programs and Providers- Jeffrey Parker, CEO, Sarrell Dental Center
- Session 2: Medicaid Eligibility and Coordination with the Exchanges- Allison Kean
- Session 3: Financing- Patrick Finnerty
- Session 4: Information Technology Systems and Data- Leon Bragg, DDS; Krishna Aravamudhan, BDS; Jeff Brozena; Robert Isman, DDS
- Session 5: Benefits- Janice Kupiec; John Roberts, DDS; Cathy Coppes
- Session 6: Program Integrity- Lori Bellan, JD; Richard Celko; Linda Altenhoff, DDS
- Session 7: Quality of Care and Delivery Systems- Rob Compton, DDS; ManWai Ng, DMD; Martha Dellapenna, RDH, MEd
- Session 8: Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)- Catherine Hess; Ellen Badley
- Session 9: Operationalizing Dental Medicaid Programs in a New Era- James Gillcrist, DDS
- Session 10: Provider Payments and Program Transparency- Alan Finkelstein, DDS
- Session 11: Workgroup Discussion and Policy Recommendations- Lynn Mouden, DDS; Laurie Norris; Pam Vodicka
2012 National Medicaid and CHIP Oral Health Symposium
Designing Quality in High Definition:
- Session 1: Defining Quality in Health Care Delivery - Rob Compton, DDS
- Session 2: Evidence Based Dentistry - Julie Frantsve-Hawley, RDH, PhD
- Session 3: Developing and Utilizing Professional Policies, Recommendations, and Clinical Guidelines - Julie Frantsve-Hawley, RDH, PhD; Laurie Barker, MPH; Anupama Rao Tate, DMD
- Session 4: Measuring Quality - Tegwyn Brickhouse, DDS, PhD; Heidi Bossley; Paul Glassman, DDS, MBA
- Session 5: Collecting Information and Data - Cynthia Hake; Dave Preble, DDS, JD; Brent Martin, DDS, MBA
- Session 6: Can Diagnostic Codes Work in Dentistry? - Elsbeth Kalenderian, DDS, MPH; Rachael Ramoni, DMD, DSc
- Session 7: Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Health Information Technology (HIT): Tools for Data Collection and Quality Management - David Koppel; Girma Alemu, MD, MS; Pam Reece
- Session 8: Mining the Data for Quality Assessment, Planning and Improvement - Alan Finklestein, DDS; David Kilber, DDS; Rob Compton, DDS
- Session 9: Piecing It All Together - Linda Altenhoff, DDS
- Session 10: Managing Quality Programs: Traditional Programs versus Managed Care - Angela Littrell; Dan Plain; Bob Birdwell, DDS
- Session 11: CMS Oral Health Initiative: Update on Goals and Action Plans - Laurie Norris, JD; Lynn Douglas Mouden, DDS, MPH
- Session 12: Dental Quality Alliance Update - Krishna Aravamudhan, BDS, MS; Martha Dellapenna, RDH, MEd
- Session 13: Quality Buy-in - Dolores Mitchell
2011 National Medicaid and CHIP Oral Health Symposium
New Directions for Medicaid and CHIP Dental Programs
- Keynote Address: New Directions for Medicaid & CHIP Dental Programs - Victoria Wachino
- Opening Plenary: The Historical Compass Points the Way - Christine Farrell, RDH, MPA; Michael Graham
- Session 2: Surveying the Landscape: Mountains & Valleys - Patrick Finnerty, MPA; Andrea Maresca
- Session 3: New Horizons - Cathy Coppes; Kathryn Dolan, RDH, MEd; Greg Folse, DDS
- Session 4: Bumps in the Road - James Thommes, DDS; David Kilber, DMD; Martha Dellapenna, RDH, MEd
- Session 5: Tuning Up the Engine - William Bailey, DDS
- Session 6: Asking for Directions: Stakeholder Breakout - Mary Foley, RDH, MPH
- Session 7: Building New Freeways - Mark Siegal, DDS, MPH
- Session 8: Navigating with GPS - Marcy Bonnett, RDH, MPM; Marsha Lillie-Blanton
- Closing Session: Turning the Key - Kathleen O'Loughlin, DMD, MB, MPH